TV Plumbing is a Los Angeles residential drain line installation expert. We offer licensed, fast, and affordable drain line installation in homes throughout greater Los Angeles.

Most sinks in your Los Angeles home can be found in either your bathroom or your kitchen, thus you will most likely be installing sink drains in one of these two areas.

If you are doing drain line installation in the kitchen you will use a 1-1/2" drain, while in a bathroom you will most likely use 1-1/4". Usually the drain will be made from PVC plastic, but some older drains are brass and chrome.

Besides determining what size of drain you need, you will also need to determine what type of pipe you need. Sinks in homes can either drain vertically or horizontally, with most horizontal drains being found in homes built in the last ten years.

For a horizontal drain you should purchase a P-trap, while vertical drains should use an S-trap. You probably also will have to purchase additional straight pipe if the sink is far from the floor or wall.

In addition, if your kitchen or bathroom has two sinks that need to drain, you will need to purchase a T-junction to allow both sinks to empty water into the same drain.

Once you have the pieces of pipes you need for your specific drain, the plumbing installation is a breeze.

You simply need to connect your pipes together, and then utilize washers and bolts to connect the pipes between the sink and the floor or wall drain. You can also utilize pipe thread compound when putting PVC drain pipes together.

It acts as a lubricant initially and helps you to fit the pipes together. It then turns into a seal and prevent erosion of the pipe from all the water.

Of course when buying your pipe and doing the plumbing installation, it is important that you invest in good pipe and quality workmanship.

The pipe should be strong enough to withstand pressure from water and not burst, and it should be strong enough to not break when getting bumped or kicked due to its location under the sink. In addition, you should take the time to ensure that you have properly and securely connected all pieces to prevent any water leaks.

While Los Angeles plumbing used to be something you called a professional plumber for, more and more individuals are finding they can do it themselves, and you can too by learning a little bit about it.

One of the best places to start learning is through plumbing installation of drains or water lines in your home. These are relatively easy to complete, especially if you know what type and size of pipe to purchase.

Once you've mastered a project like this, you can move on to bigger and better things such as installing a new bathtub or shower.